
Does the id of your vault matter fallout shelter
Does the id of your vault matter fallout shelter

does the id of your vault matter fallout shelter

Dwellers with high Agility scores should be in the kitchen, flipping burgers with poise and grace.

does the id of your vault matter fallout shelter

Perhaps the most comical of the skills, Agility is used in Food rooms. Dwellers with high Intelligence should be sequestered away in Med-Bays and Science Labs, making Stimpaks and RadAways for the rest of the Vault.Ī – Agility. Another simple and intuitive stat, Intelligence shows how smart a Dweller is and thus, how effective they are at science-related tasks. Charisma also affects the chance that your Radio Room has of bringing in wanderers from the Wasteland. Breeders should have high Charisma to allow them to breed more rapidly, as the time they spend flirting is reduced before they do the deed. Plain and simple, Charisma is necessary for getting it on. It has little benefit inside the Vault, but this is irrelevant, as a Dweller with high Endurance should be spending most of their time traversing the Wasteland in search of items.Ĭ – Charisma. An oft-underappreciated skill, Endurance affects how long a Dweller can explore the Wasteland. I also try to keep Water Purification rooms in the center of my vault to, again, rapidly respond to outbreaks of Radroaches or molerats.Į – Endurance. For this reason, I try to place my Water Purification rooms close to my Vault door to allow rapid response to Raiders by my best marksmen. A Dweller with a high Perception can run double-duty as a Water Purifier and a Guard. It is also the necessary stat for effectively using firearms. Perception affects how well a Dweller can operate Water-type rooms. Presumedly, this is so they can crank whatever sadistic human-powered dynamo Vault-Tec had installed before the bombs fell. Strength is the required stat for Dwellers who work in Power-type rooms.

Does the id of your vault matter fallout shelter